Project reference: 101084037

Start/end: December 2022 – November 2025

Total Cost: EUR 12 603 930.83

EU contribution: EUR 8 822 751.58

Call: I3-2021-INV1

Topic: I3-2021-INV1-MANU

Project Website:

DEREMCO - De and Remanufacturing includes the set of technologies, tools and knowledge-based methods to recover, re-use and upgrade functions and materials from industrial waste and post-consumer high-tech products, under a new producer-centric Circular Economy perspective.

The DeremCo project aims to establish a systematic, cross-sectoral, demand-driven circular economy solution to free up composite materials and components for cost-effective reuse after use in new high value-added products.
DeremCo is an EU-I3 project running until November 2025 involving 30 European partners from Italy, Finland, Austria, Spain, Slovenia, Belgium and Portugal.

Key Issue: integrated pilot plant solutions, needed by industry to validate high-risk investments in circular economy businesses before the industrial implementation.

Veltha, as a partner in the DeremCo consortium, has a role to support communication, dissemination and ecosystem building activities exploiting the Policy Lab, creating synergies with other EU projects (Green Deal), clusters, and the CCRI. The objective is to create a successful framework to upscale DeremCo results, sharing best practices, capacity building and knowledge with other regions, ensure the replicability of the project outcomes and generating impact behind the consortium through cooperation, especially with less developed regions.