Project reference: 873111

Start/end: January 2020 –  December 2023

Total Cost: EUR 19 663 567,48 

EU contribution: EUR 15 963 173,50 

Call: H2020-DT-2018-2020

Topic: DT-ICT-07-2018-2019

Project Website: 

DIGIPRIME - Digital Manufacturing Platform for the Circular Economy

Digital technology plays a big role in our transition to a circular economy, which aims to make optimum use of resources within industries. Investing in innovation is good for the protection of the environment, and it also contributes to Europe’s competitiveness. 

The EU-funded DigiPrime project will develop the concept of a circular economy digital platform in order to create circular business models based on the data-enhanced recovery and reuse of functions and materials. Specifically, it will create and operate a federated model of digital platforms for cross-sector business in the circular economy. DigiPrime will be validated through several cross-sectoral pilots, further detailed in 20 use cases covering different European industrial sectors (automotive, renewable energy, electronics, textile, construction), and by additional pilots in new sectors, funded through an open call mechanism.

Veltha is the leader of one of DigiPrime's pilots, focused on the identification of at least 50 cross-sectorial value chains that can upscale into promising circular business opportunities based on data-enhanced recovery of functions and materials. Veltha is responsible for bringing together relevant stakeholders coming from multiple manufacturing sectors – batteries, mechatronics, electronics, composites and textiles – and support them offset information asymmetry and unlock new circular business cases, making for the creation of a large database of good practices within the manufacturing industry.

 Veltha is in charge of investigating the risks and side effects that can hinder the implementation of the proposed business models in the cross-sectorial value-chains of the pilots and in the future business scenarios. Drawbacks, limitations, and current barriers for their development will be systematically revised along with mitigation actions and countermeasures to allow for their implementation will be identified and proposed. Since a major limitation in cross-sectoral circular business models could be the lack of a legislation regulating end-of-waste practices, specific attention will be given to the regulatory framework. Veltha can draw on their expertise to identify circular ecosystems within the targeted value chains and organize cross-sectoral events to boost knowledge transfer and information exchange.