REPLACE - Regional Policy Action for the Circular Economy
Circular economy (CE) is essential for the future of Europe due to the lack of raw materials and to the evolving environmental problems. REPLACE -REgional PoLicy Actions for Circular Economy- has the goal of integrating, deploying and capitalizing on lessons learnt through the H2020 project SCREEN by engaging policy-makers and managing authorities with the common objective of improving Regional Operational Programmes (ROPs) to enhance CE performances, aligning with the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan.
REPLACE aims at improving management, implementation and monitoring of regional policy instruments targeted at facilitating the transition towards a CE, while boosting sustainable development: the main operative target refers to the development and application of policies and actions focusing on identification, valorization, assessment and financing of circular value chains, resulting in new local and interregional projects. REPLACE will develop a replicable framework for regional benchmark on circularity excellence level.
REPLACE wants to fulfil a synergic use of funding for CE, connected to RIS3, to enhance innovation and competitiveness, as well as economic and employment performances while increasing effectiveness of policy instruments.